Pifer's Land

Two Land Auctions in Rolette & Bottineau Counties

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Displaying 5 Lots

Parcel 1 - Fugere Auction

Acres: 518.96 +/- 

Legal: SW¼NW¼ Lot 4 & SE¼, NW¼, N½SW¼ Lot 3 Less Hwy & RR 5-161-72, SE¼NW¼ Lots 3-4-5 Less Hwy & RR & Lots 1-2 Less Hwy, RR & Tract & S½NE¼, N½SE¼ Less Tract 6-161-72

Crop Acres: 183.67 +/- 

Pasture Acres: 333.84 +/-

Taxes (2022): $2,017.40

This parcel contains lush pastureland as well as an estimated 700,000 tons of gravel located in the S½N½ of 6-161-72 and an additional 250,000 tons estimated to be located in the N½ of 6-161-72 surrounding the existing mined area. 


Parcel 2 - Fugere Auction

Acres: 239.19 +/- 

Legal: SE¼ Less RR 5-161-72, W½SW¼ 4-161-72 

Crop Acres: 128.56 +/-

Pasture Acres: 92.22 +/-

Taxes (2022): $945.63

This parcel contains quality alfalfa fields that were previously enrolled in CRP. 


Parcel 1 - Thompson Auction

Acres: 40 +/-

Legal: NW¼NE¼  35-163-75

Wooded Acres:  37.31 +/-

Hay Acres: 2.69 +/-

Taxes (2022):  $184.57

Parcel 1 features 40 +/- acres of woods that includes a 2.69 +/- acre hay meadow. This is a very private parcel bordered by Wildlife Management Area to the east and south, and has great hunting and building potential.


Parcel 2 - Thompson Auction

Acres: 20 +/-

Legal: NW¼NW¼ LESS 6 A 4 A & OUTLOTS 2 & 3, 1.77 A of N½NW¼ LYING S OF ROADWAY & S OF OUTLOTS 7, 8 & 9  25-163-75 (Approximate)

Wooded Acres:  12.12 +/-

Hay Acres: 7.88 +/-

Taxes (2022):  $96.29

Parcel 2 features mostly woodlands with a small hay meadow. Great access off of 104th St. NE with good hunting and building opportunities.


Parcel 3 - Thompson Auction

Acres: 39.77 +/-

Legal: NE¼NW¼ 25-163-75  (Abbreviated Legal)

Wooded Acres: 25.07 +/-

Hay Acres: 5.34 +/-

Crop Acres:  9.36 +/-

Taxes (2022): $191.91

Parcel 3 features not only woodlands, but also 9.36 +/- crop acres and a small hay meadow. Great access off 104th St. NE with good hunting and building potential.